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Comment rafraîchir son chien ou son Chat en période de forte Chaleur ? - Oscar et Plume

How to cool your dog or cat during periods of intense heat?

During periods of high heat, it is essential to take care of our four-legged friends to avoid heat stroke and other health problems related to high temperatures.

Is my pet sweating?

Unlike you, dogs and cats produce very little sweat to cool themselves down . Their few sweat glands that produce sweat are located between the pads while we have them all over our bodies. To understand things, you just need to know that water needs heat to evaporate . In the same way that the water you boil "takes" heat from the electric hotplate or the fire (gas) to evaporate, sweat "takes" heat from the surface of the skin to do the same thing. The body of mammals, such as dogs, cats or humans, emits heat constantly. In humans, when the body temperature rises too high, the small surface vessels open more and allow the blood to bring this heat. This is why we turn red. Some of this heat is lost when it comes into contact with the air, but we also know that when water evaporates it "takes away" energy and lowers the temperature of the skin . Consequently, the blood temperature drops. and this one leaves cooler in the rest of the body . You can thus understand that with perspiration limited to the space between the pads, the dog and the cat cannot cool themselves effectively by sweating.

Here are some handy tips to keep your dog or cat cool and comfortable.

1. Provide fresh water at all times

Make sure your pet always has clean, fresh water. Change the water several times a day and consider adding ice cubes to the bowl to keep it colder for longer.

2. Create shaded areas

If your pet spends time outdoors, make sure they have access to shaded areas. Use umbrellas, canopies, or set up a small tent to create a shaded area.

3. Use cooling mats

Cooling mats are designed to help regulate your pet's body temperature. They often contain a special gel that stays cool even without refrigeration. Place the mat in an area where your pet likes to rest.

4. Wet towels and misters

Dampen a towel with cool water and place it over your dog or cat, or use it to gently rub them down. Water misters can also be used to spray a little cool water onto their fur.

5. Limit physical activities

Avoid walking and vigorous play during the hottest hours of the day. Focus on activities in the early morning or late evening, when temperatures are cooler.

6. Offer frozen treats

Make homemade frozen treats for your pet. You can freeze wet cat or dog food in ice cube trays, or use specific recipes for pet-friendly ice cream.

7. Use a fan or air conditioning

If possible, use a fan or air conditioning to maintain a comfortable temperature inside your home. Make sure your pet has access to these cooled areas.

8. Be careful with hot surfaces

Asphalt and sidewalks can get extremely hot in the sun. Avoid letting your pet walk on these hot surfaces, as they can injure their paw pads.

9. Watch for signs of heat stroke

Be alert for signs of heatstroke such as lethargy, excessive salivation, vomiting, rapid breathing or red or pale gums. If in doubt, seek veterinary attention immediately.

10. Swimming and showers

If your pet loves water, a quick swim can be very refreshing. Use a kiddie pool or give him a warm shower to cool him down.

By following these tips, you will help your dog or cat get through the summer more comfortably and safely. Always remember to never leave your pet in a parked car, even for a short time, as temperatures can rise quickly and become fatal.